Preparing For Renewal

Preparing For Renewal

As 2025 kicks off, many farm operations are coming off of a relatively poor profit year in 2024.When comparing to a few years ago, all producers are facing very tight profit margins, for the upcoming growing season. Before meeting with your Ag Banker to renew your...
Creating Your Financial Team

Creating Your Financial Team

As we kick off the New Year, here at CSB we believe it is important to create a team of people, to set you up for financial success. In the agriculture industry, we are no stranger to consulting a specialist for our operations. Whether it be a crop specialist, seed...
Winter on the Farm

Winter on the Farm

No matter what type of operation you run, the work does not stop because the seasons change. From dairymen milking cows every day, to beef herdsmen feeding their cattle, and even the behind the scenes meticulous work of grain operations, the men and women who work to...
Women in Ag

Women in Ag

Women in Agriculture Agriculture touches our lives every day- whether actively farming and ranching, on the corporate side of production, or shopping at the grocery store- and women leaders play an increasingly pivotal role across the board. The number of farms...
Supporting You Through Harvest Season

Supporting You Through Harvest Season

As harvest season is in full swing here in Northwest Illinois (with not much crop left in the field), your friendly Ag banking team is here to support you during this critical time. We have spent the past week out at grain bins, serving lunches to those hauling, and...
Dairy Industry Update

Dairy Industry Update

World Dairy Expo World Dairy Expo, held in Madison, Wisconsin, last week, has come to a close. This event is a staple in the dairy industry; showcasing some of the best genetics in the world; the latest technology efforts to improve efficiency and profitability; and...