CSB Ag Lending Team


National Dairy Month

In a world where there is a wide variety of “milk” available to the consumer, it is important that we remember the foundation of that term~ The Dairy Farm. Milk is one of the most prominent dairy products in the industry, followed closely by cheese and of course ice cream. When you list out everything that the dairy industry provides for our everyday consumption, you start to realize the vital role that it plays in our food system.

Even though dairy farmers are fewer and farther between, Stephenson, Jo Daviess, and Carroll Counties are all home to successful dairy producers that supply a wide variety of local cheese factories, as well as shipments to bottling facilities. We are PROUD to be a supporting role for these dairy producers through our AG banking team… and doing our part on product consumption!

The Importance of Succession Planning in Dairy

One of the most challenging tasks that the dairy farmer faces is planning and executing a solid succession plan. Making sure that not only does the business survive a major transition, but it also thrives under the next generation of leadership is a major stressor in the current generation’s everyday operations.

Many factors play into this transition including economics mixing with emotion. Determining fairness amongst the next generation can often become overwhelming and difficult when not all parties involved wish to remain on the farm. This topic is becoming more and more prominent in today’s world, and we hope to dive deeper into this topic to help provide the best outcome for our producers, both in the dairy industry and those not.

A succession plan is often times inquired by your Ag Banker during credit evaluation, even more now than even 5 years ago. A long-term investment may not be deemed viable if the business lacks a sound transition plan. If you feel that your operation is in need of a succession plan, please reach out to one of our Ag Bankers today. We will do our best to provide the proper resources and guidance for your operation’s needs.

Event Spotlight

In celebration of June Dairy Month, all CSB locations will be having cheese trays in their lobbies on Friday the 14th, and Friday the 28th. Another event in the area is with FS Fast Stop in Lena, who is hosting their Dairy Days on June 21st from 10am-2pm. Make sure to take the kids and stop out for some activities and tasty treats!


 Read below for some fun facts about dairy:
  • U.S. Dairy Farms produce roughly 21 billion gallons of milk each year.
  • All 50 states in the U.S. contain dairy farms. (Yes, even Alaska!)
  • The average American consumes almost 25 gallons of milk per year.
  • The average gallon of milk weight 8.6 pounds.
  • Dairy farmers are paid by the hundredweight of milk (100 Pounds), not by the gallon.